The only language that both companies and people understand in a universal way is the language of values.
AYESA is one of the biggest companies of Spanish soil engineering, if not from the whole Europe. On the past years it has been more relevant, incorporating new divisions on the most technologically advanced sectors. To create a company video able to transmit all its dimension was a real challenge and even more when we were required to do so under a very tight deadline and few resources.
Contrary to expectations, we proposed an audiovisual that gave more prominence to the company’s vision than to its actions, no matter how impressive they might be. Starting from its institutional statement to be the company where "Knowledge makes dreams come true", our proposal was to make a story based on the transformative power of peoples’ dreams; to build up a video focused not on the colossal but on the personal and intimate.
So, AYESA has a presentation video that resists better than others over time, the future developments and its future success. Because it is based on something that is the essence of communication: the values that unite the brands with peoples’ lives.
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WHERE TO FIND US SEVILLE (Spain) Avda. de los Descubrimientos 11, 4ª p.-Izda. PTC Cartuja. 41092. Seville (Spain). MILAN (Italy) Via Piave 17, 20843 Verano Brianza (MB)
Grupo Absolute was granted a Promotion found by the Andalusian Innovation and Development Agency IDEA, of the Junta de Andalucía, for an amount of € 74,903.69, 80% co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund, FEDER, to carry out the Digital Back and Front Office Transformation project in order to guarantee the best use of information technologies.