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Every surprise is unique and unrepeatable, if not, then it's not a surprise.

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Avda. de los Descubrimientos 11
4ª p.-Izda. PTC Cartuja, 41092. Sevilla (Spain)

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Phone: +34 902 099 626
Fax: +34 954 49 86 61

Our clients

Specialized Agency in surprising Communication and Marketing Actions both nationally  and internationally

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SEVILLE (Spain) 
Avda. de los Descubrimientos 11, 4ª p.-Izda.
PTC Cartuja. 41092. Seville (Spain).

MILAN (Italy)
Via Piave 17, 20843 Verano Brianza (MB)

Grupo Absolute was granted a Promotion found by the Andalusian Innovation and Development Agency IDEA, of the Junta de Andalucía, for an amount of € 74,903.69, 80% co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund, FEDER, to carry out the Digital Back and Front Office Transformation project in order to guarantee the best use of information technologies.

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