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100th Anniversary of the Three Kings Parade (Seville)

A century of magic

And then came the big day. A magical project we had been excited about ever since we received the commission from Seville Atheneum.

Seville's Three Kings Cavalcade celebrated its 100th anniversary, meaning we had to ensure such a special date would be a very special experience for everybody.

How? By incorporating the Commemorative Star at the beginning of the cavalcade, shining bright like never before, along with snowfall in La Campana square, –the very heart of the route– where it rained down stars and confetti, and a spectacular light show in Plaza de Cuba... and, above all, the thrill of bringing magic to young and old alike as we made our way through the city streets.

100th Anniversary of the Three Kings Parade (Seville)

A century of magic

Client: Ateneo de Sevilla.
Year: 2017

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Specialized Agency in surprising Communication and Marketing Actions both nationally  and internationally

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SEVILLE (Spain) 
Avda. de los Descubrimientos 11, 4ª p.-Izda.
PTC Cartuja. 41092. Seville (Spain).
MILAN (Italy)
Via Piave 17, 20843 Verano Brianza (MB)

Grupo Absolute was granted a Promotion found by the Andalusian Innovation and Development Agency IDEA, of the Junta de Andalucía, for an amount of € 74,903.69, 80% co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund, FEDER, to carry out the Digital Back and Front Office Transformation project in order to guarantee the best use of information technologies.

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