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Street Marketing Andalusia

INFO: Street MK - Branding - Live Communication - Social Media - Landing Page - Interactive Experiences - ROI + Data Acquisition

GOLD Promotional Actions for Travel and Tourism Organisations (FIP Awards 2020)
GOLD Environ Branding (Agripina Awards 2020)
SILVER Brand Experience: Travel (Eventex Awards 2021)
BRONZE Roadshow (Eventex Awards 2021)

Have you ever wondered why we need to say thank you?

When we thank someone who has done something good for us, we are overcome with a feeling of esteem and affection that makes us immediately want to reciprocate and give back something of ourselves, something uniquely ours.

Andalusia, in the most unusual summer it has ever experienced, wanted to do just that. Those uncertain months of 2020 took a surprising turn when the health crisis (COVID19) appeared to abate, leading to thousands of travellers wishing to come back and visit.

The "how" could be summarised in a communication and marketing action that started off as a Street Marketing campaign involving 5 destinations on the Andalusian coast, and which soon became a 390º project: the physical became intertwined second by second with the digital, live communication was fed with what was happening on social media, with digital language ("Like" "Love" "Surprising" and "Amusing") invading each interactive action. Andalusia made its mark not only physically (with corporate transfers) and digitally (landing page and social media content), but also from "up in the clouds"!

To say thank you and reach as many people as possible, a banner plane launched a message to thousands of visitors from the Andalusia sky: THANK YOU FOR CHOOSING ANDALUSIA!

 12,000 transfers distributed
+4000 physical attendees 
+540,400 social media impacts
+19,000 social media interactions
+6000 website impacts
+5,000,000 views of plane (1,000,000 per location)

Street Marketing Andalusia

Thank you for choosing Andalusia!

Client: Andalusia Tourism and Sports Board.
Year: 2020.

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Specialized Agency in surprising Communication and Marketing Actions both nationally  and internationally

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SEVILLE (Spain) 
Avda. de los Descubrimientos 11, 4ª p.-Izda.
PTC Cartuja. 41092. Seville (Spain).
MILAN (Italy)
Via Piave 17, 20843 Verano Brianza (MB)

Grupo Absolute was granted a Promotion found by the Andalusian Innovation and Development Agency IDEA, of the Junta de Andalucía, for an amount of € 74,903.69, 80% co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund, FEDER, to carry out the Digital Back and Front Office Transformation project in order to guarantee the best use of information technologies.

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